sony yanked the red-band film trailer for The Young lady With the Monster Skin image that jumped up Wednesday on YouTube after enjoying in Western cinemas, then ripped another near-identical video that followed a few days later. The business lastly published the “official” film trailer via tv Friday.
The video, included above, handles the same pitch as the previously video clips — freezing landscape designs, quick photos of digital rebel cyberpunk Lisbeth Salander (played by Rooney Mara) and glimpses of writer Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), all underscored by a crazy remix of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” — but with clearer quality and cleaner music.
Swedish writer Stieg Larsson’s novel, upon which the film is based, based its horrible assault in a wide legal fringe movement explored by its two people. At this point, the case of the really published trailers might motivate fringe movement advocates to increase concerns of their own: Did Panasonic marketing mavens play Jedi mind games with fanboys by growing two really duplicate trailers in order to stoke interest in the film?
In response to’s e-mailed concerns, Panasonic associates published a brief launch asserting the teaser’s “worldwide very first.”
The Young lady With the Monster Skin image, an English-language rebuilding of this year's Remedial film of the same name, starts in November.
The video, included above, handles the same pitch as the previously video clips — freezing landscape designs, quick photos of digital rebel cyberpunk Lisbeth Salander (played by Rooney Mara) and glimpses of writer Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), all underscored by a crazy remix of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” — but with clearer quality and cleaner music.
Swedish writer Stieg Larsson’s novel, upon which the film is based, based its horrible assault in a wide legal fringe movement explored by its two people. At this point, the case of the really published trailers might motivate fringe movement advocates to increase concerns of their own: Did Panasonic marketing mavens play Jedi mind games with fanboys by growing two really duplicate trailers in order to stoke interest in the film?
In response to’s e-mailed concerns, Panasonic associates published a brief launch asserting the teaser’s “worldwide very first.”
The Young lady With the Monster Skin image, an English-language rebuilding of this year's Remedial film of the same name, starts in November.
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